
Jingling thoughts on the world's number one domain broker




Receive triggers for particular TLD

April 12, 2012 @ 6:15 pm - Tips

I have been asking Sedo to trigger me on specific TLDs, but their system had limitation of at least three characters in the keyword, did not allow “.” and the TLD part was excluded anyway.


New Year Bonus from Sedo

December 30, 2010 @ 11:31 am - Misc

A year or so ago my partner bought a portfolio of some domains from a chap via eBay then listed them all on Sedo account, sold one or two and let the rest drop.

Recently Sedo contacted him to say they have received an offer for one of the domains….. which he actually dropped.

He checked it immediately, and it was free – no one had registered it…. So he quickly got it from GoDaddy and logged into Sedo accepting 500 EUR offer.

Client pushed the funds to Sedo’s account straight away and now they have made account exchanges and push the name to Sedo’s account.

Call it New Year Bonus from Sedo indeed.

New Improved Domain Management

December 14, 2010 @ 4:39 pm - News
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Comment review

December 2, 2010 @ 1:03 pm - Ideas

Dear Sedo,

I trust life treats you good right before the Christmas commences. It must be jolly at Cologne Dome these days anyways.

On the other note, a thought I would love to share with you. It can be a great improvement for Sedo services.

Currently, when someone writes a note (comment), it needs to be approved by a Sedo member of stuff.

Your comment is currently under review by Sedo Staff and will be displayed within 1 business day.

This usually takes longer than one can remember and forgets to follow up. However Sedo system makes it very inconvenient and informs the counterparty straight away while the comment is not approved yet.


Oops, pressed a wrong button

September 3, 2010 @ 2:38 pm - Misc

Has it ever happened to you that you had pressed a wrong button? Many peoplehave this issue, especially with new Sedo design.

Recently responding to the bid of $160 for system took it to the sale page, one click and “sold”. Sedo was warn about the mistake, but decided not to stop the buyer. The buyer-not-to-be paid to Sedo, and there goes exchange of emails:

Dear Xxxx,

Congratulations on your sale.

To help make the transfer process efficient and secure your transfer details will be accessible exclusively through this Transfer Overview page.

In the “Transfer Status” menu, you will find information on the current transfer status as well as the steps you need to take in order to proceed.
You will receive a notification by e-mail whenever important new information about the transfer has been added in your Sedo account.
Furthermore you can send me a message at any time by entering it into the “Your comment” field and clicking on “Submit”. You will find my response under “Related communication”.

In “Transfer Documents” you may upload any required documents or forms (e.g. invoices, etc.) by clicking on “Upload additional documentation”.
In this menu you will also find important transfer related documents, e.g. your Sedo sales contract.

In the “Transfer Details” menu you can provide technical details regarding the transfer.
Please click on “Edit Technical Details” in order to indicate the name of the registrar where the domain is currently registered. Indicating an assistant’s name, email address or phone number is optional.

If you wish to work with a technical assistant in order to process the domain transfer, please enter the corresponding contact details (name, phone number and email address). Otherwise please choose “No” and leave these fields empty.

Best Regards,
Xxxxxx Xx Xxx

This is a mistake. I have pressed the wrong button. I was not going to sell this domain for $160. I was inputing EUR 60000 counter offer.

Please revert back to the bidding stage.


New Sedo Pro manual

September 2, 2010 @ 6:39 pm - News

Sedo has released new Sedo Pro manual. It coveres the following topics:

  • Domain Overview
  • Domain List
  • Domain Trends
  • Domain Optimizer
  • Domain Details
  • Payments
  • FAQ

Your bid is too low. Let’s negotiate.

August 17, 2010 @ 9:02 am - Ideas

Send to Sedo’s management:

Dear Mr Schumacher,

I trust the summer is treating you well.

I receive many bids on Sedo and what I miss in a standard phrase, something in this order:

“Your bid is too low. Let’s negotiate.”

Of course, I can type it in, but then it needs to be approved by a member of Sedo stuff and is not showed instantly. The buyers see the highly capped prices (usually a multiple of the price I would agree to) and many of them give up at once without considering further fruitful negotiations.

Having something stimulating in the drop-down box – would really boost negotiations.

If Sedo can add it in the coming weeks – it will be win-win-win for everyone, sellers, buyers, Sedo as well.!

Twitter is working on the new search widget.

For the time being use this link:



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